Saturday, November 10, 2007

Shoes….shoes…and more shoes!

The kids at Challenge Farm are in much need of new shoes! I took this picture of a pile that was sitting right outside the girl’s dorm. Many of the kids go barefoot all day long. They look cute in their uniforms but it is not expensive to make the clothes and we have women who sew them right here on the farm. The shoes are what is expensive. All students are supposed to have a pair of black leather shoes for school, but the cost of one pair is equivalent to $25.

The other pictures are of our boys’ soccer (football to them) team. The team competes every 3 months when everyone is out of school. Many of these kids do not have shoes; none of the shoes have cleats. The day I took these pictures, they got very excited at the possibilty of getting cleats. That thought made their week.

It would be wonderful to show them just how God provides. If anyone would like to give money for leather shoes or for cleats for the team or maybe host a fundraiser, please let me know. I assure you that you would really make some kids very happy.


Unknown said...

i love all your picturs. I miss you a lot. I am glad I get to see and hear all about your new life.

love, Megan Dunn

joy said...

Dear Rhonda Sue,

I just tried to email you, but I don't know if it got through. Please let me know! I want to talk to you about getting the kids some shoes!!!

Love, Joy Mahnke