Monday, November 12, 2007

David and Maxamilla

I want to fill you in on the happenings at Challenge Farm. All the kids that live here have previously lived on the street; therefore they have many battles with detachment disorder. Even though life on the street was not good, they fear their current good life will be taken from them, so they go ahead and leave before it can be taken from them. It’s hard for me to understand why anyone would want to leave Challenge Farm, but I’ve seen it happen four times since I’ve arrived. I want to informed you about the kids who have left so that you can pray for them.

David, who has been gone for 3 months, has just returned. Hallelujah! While Cheri was here, I heard her praying often for his return. I could not believe my eyes this morning as everyone gathered around for the parade (announcements). I was able to introduce myself afterward and tell him that many people had been praying for him. I want to be able to do that for each child who returns home.

Maximillia is 16 years old and has a nine month old baby boy named Rick. I have a few pictures of Rick posted on my blog. Maximillia was told to take an important paper back to her father’s house on Friday afternoon and return that night, but it is Monday morning and she has not yet returned. Everyone here has feared that she would leave because here she has to take full responsibility for her child. Once before when she ran away is when she became pregnant. Please pray that both she and the baby will return safely and soon.

It blows my mind when I think of all these kids have been through at such a young age. There are many adults who haven’t come close to experiencing what these kids have dealt with most of their young lives.

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