Friday, November 23, 2007

Closing of school

Friday, November 23rd, was the official close of school. The students spent time cleaning up in the morning and at 10:00 parents and family members began to arrive. At 11:00, everyone convened for a chapel service and school awards. I couldn’t fight back the tears as I saw many students very dressed up for the occasion. They were wearing clothing that I’d never seen before. Many girls had done their hair differently and they all looked so pretty. We have 60 kids that attend school and about 20 visitors were able to come and support their children. Seeing the looks on some of the kids’ faces was enough to make my week. They have looked forward to this day for a while. How special it was finally to meet some of the parents.

Maximilla update (one week ago)

Maximilla returned with her father a few days ago. She had come up with some reason that she did not come back right away. Without divulging her business, I will just tell you that she will not be living at Challenge Farm at this time. The staff here will be monitoring baby Rick on a regular basis at Maximilla's home to make sure the baby is getting the nourishment he needs. They will not allow that child to suffer because of the choices she has made.

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