Monday, November 12, 2007

Little Tizan's birthday party

Last night I was invited to Rachael’s home to celebrate her daughter’s birthday. Rachael is my Kiswahili Tutor I was a bit nervous being out late by myself, but I arrived safely. It was such a treat being a part of Tisa’s birthday. I was told later that she was just as excited as I was about my being there. Earlier at school that day she bragged to her teacher that her mom had invited a white person to her party.

The cake was brought before dinner, which is part of the tradition. We sang happy birthday and everyone had a taste. The four year old was actually allowed to cut the cake! After everyone ate some cake, dinner was served. We ate yummy beef stew over rice and chipati on the side. I have posted a picture of the chipati as it is my new favorite food to eat here. It is very unhealthy but just too good to pass up. After dinner the adults chatted and watched T.V. I found out that they watch some of the same shows we do in the States. Some of their favorite shows are Desparate Housewives, 24, and Scrubs. Rachel’s husband asked if 24 depicted what life is like in the States. After I finished laughing, I noted that some people in the US wished life were as cool as it is depicted on 24.

1 comment:

Robin Muse said...

It amazes me that you are in Africa, and the people there love American TV! That is too funny!!