Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Off to work

Today is my first official work day at Challenge Farm. This means that I have been sitting in on classes and taking notes about the kids. I drove today because I had a lot to bring to the farm, but my current plan is to walk to the main street and then ride a matatu (mini bus). Driving here is very expensive and a little dangerous at times.

One of the highlights of sitting in on classes was watching them find their writing utensils. One boy had hid his on the wood scaffolding above the room. He stood on the table to reach up and grab his pencil. I was trying my hardest not to chuckle at his great hiding place. So far, one could say that the classroom setting is quite different than in the States. Students were lying on the tables, dancing and singing at any given time during class.

I have made and brought my lunch today, which consists of zucchini, some unusual tomatoes, and some fresh mozzarella mixed with olive oil, pepper, and salt. This was quite tasty with the exception of the tart tomatoes. I didn’t know how to tell if they were ripe.


Kathy Appleton said...

So glad to hear from you I can quit asking Natasha 20 times a day if she has heard from you.

I will be checking your blogsite to keep up.

Hope all is well.
Kathy Appleton

Unknown said...


I was just thinking about you.
I made it back to the US fine.

You and Ashley made the trip so much fun, and I hope that you are not too lonely now.

Keep posting to your blog. I love reading about what you are doing.

I will let you know when the dvd is ready.



Gamgee said...


Where did you get fresh mozzarella?


Unknown said...

Rhonda, Your mom told me you had a blog and it is wonderful to hear the good work you are doing. I have you as one of my "favorites" now and will check on you often.

God bless,
Lou and Warner Millson