Friday, October 26, 2007

Farm Life

I’ve grown up in Dallas from the day I was born so farm life has always been very foreign to me. I find it so fun to be sitting in a classroom and look out the window at the cows grazing 10 feet away.

At 9:30 every day the students and staff have a Chi break. Chi is tea made with lots of milk and sugar. The milk is straight from our cows! This just amazes me.

During a break on Wednesday, I asked Sammy, who tends the farm, if I could have a pumpkin. I really want to make some pumpkin bread this weekend. He told me that he would have to grab it later. After 40 minutes, the littlest student, Selina, came walking to my office carrying a long green fruit. She barely speaks English but she could understand pumpkin and apparently that was what she brought me. It looks nothing like ours in the States, but I’m going to try to make the bread anyway.

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