Saturday, October 6, 2007

Praise and worship by lantern light

Last night Ashley and I ventured down the street to a birthday party. A group of Muzungu's (white people) were gathing and cooking out goat. Yumm! We did not know a sole but figured we should go anyway. I will try and give you a mental picture of the best part of the evening. It was very dark outside and about 15 people gathered under a tiki hut lit by four lanterns. Two Americans and one German were playing guitars, one Kenyan was on the bongo, and another Kenyan was dancing and singing back up. The rest of us were just worshiping and singing along with what they were playing. What a perfect night here in Kitale. It was very nice to meet people around my age; two were even from my home city, Dallas. We found out that they lead a church on Sunday at 3:00 that reaches out to the youth of Kitale. We are very excited to attend this service Sunday.

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