Saturday, October 13, 2007

A tribute to Alabama

This last week has been very busy. On Saturday 19 people from Alabama arrived to work at Challenge Farm. There were four groups within the team: medical, VBS camp, marriage, and building. So much happened that I wish I could have blogged about each day, but time and internet speed does not allow. God moved in tremendous ways throughout the week; it was awsome to see the changes in team members as well as in the staff and children at Challenge Farm. I worked with the VBS team; our days usually went from 9:30 to about 4:00. We began with singing and dancing then flowed right into a Bible story. Afterwards we played a game outside. After lunch at 12:40, we reconvenved around 2:00 for crafts and more games. The kids were truly amazing during every part.

I am blessed to see that the positive influence of the Alabama team is ongoing. At chapel yesterday, the whole message revolved around what was taught during the marriage seminar. Paul, the preacher that day, lit up with joy from all he had learned last week. Later that day at staff meeting many reiterated what a great gift the team had been to them and the children. I have never been part of a business staff meeting in the States. It was so much fun to see Challenge Farm in action. My favorite part was discussion of what to do with the 10 liter surplus of milk we have per week. You see, we just bought two more cows; therefore, we have more milk. The discussion lasted at least 15 minutes. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

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