Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I began my trek to work this morning at 7:20. I was not sure how long it would take me so I began my stopwatch when I walked out the door. Halfway down the driveway I realized I didn’t have the keys to the office. Once arriving at one matatu spot, I was recognized by Charles. He works at the corner selling cookies and other things. (Once he tired to get Ashley to buy him cookies. These were the same cookies he was selling.) When the bus comes to this spot it stops and waits for a little bit. During the waiting time another gentleman came up to the van and expressed to me in front of the other passengers that he wanted to marry an American and could he have my phone number. Flattering as it was, I did not give out my number. The only problem I have with riding the bus is that I don’t know the signal to tell them of my stop. The other is that I never recognize where my stop is located. Luckily a man got off at my stop and I quickly jumped off. Everyone was looking at me with a strange stare. I had a 10 minute walk to school which had me arriving at 8:10. So I found out that the entire journey takes me 50 minutes. The school day went really well. I sat in on some more classes and memorized even more names. When I left this afternoon I got about 10 minutes down the street and realized that this time I had left the keys to my house in the office. During my second attempt at leaving school, I encountered many little school children leaving an elementary school down the road. They came to Challenge Farm one day when the team was here with medical care and we’d give them Tootsie pops. When the kids saw me, they came running to shake my hand. Precious!

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