Wednesday, October 3, 2007

catching up

I arrived in Africa on September 30th, stayed in Nairobi for two nights then drove to Kitale on October 2. Below I have posted a slide show. The picture of a few buildings was a guest house in Nairobi where I stayed. There are two pictures of how we packed the car for the seven hour journey to Kitale. In the car was Cheri, who started Challenge Farm, Ashley, who will be here for three weeks, our driver Frances and me. The rest of the pictures are views from the drive. The terrain changed a few times during the drive. At times it would be very rough and dusty, then it would change to being smooth and a little flat. My favorite part was when the air was clear and we were driving through hills. It looked very similar to Colorado. Everything was breathtaking and beautiful. I did get to see some zebra's and baboons a few times as they were just grazing on the side of the road.

1 comment:

jsabastian said...

There are no zebras or baboons in Colorado. ;)