Monday, February 18, 2008

Mt. Mtelo

This is no famous mountain to most but it is the Holy Mountain to the Pokot tribe in Kenya. Over the weekend I went with two Germans on a small trip to camp and climb this mountain. I had been wanting to climb a mountain for my birthday, so I was delighted to be invited. The mountain is 10,910 feet high and I climbed about the last 5,000 feet to the top. The experience was perfect as the hike had ever changing scenery. Our guide, Hilary, alerted us to the next part of the climb with some sort of title. One of my favorite parts was the bamboo forest. It was like a scene from Robin Hood or some magical movie. There was another part of the journey where I could have sworn I was transported to West Texas where weeds and wildflowers as tall as we are blocked our path constantly and caused us to return with some scrapes on our arms. The climb up took 5 hours and 45 minutes with occasional stops; the journey down took five hours. Once arriving at the top, we were surprised to find at least 30 Kenyans and one woman from North Carolina. They were on a Lent Pilgrimage. At the campsite, we each had our own mud bonda. It consisted of two beds, two side tables, and a lantern. The shower and African style toilet was a short distance away. The shower had only sides and no ceiling, which made for a beautiful view of the stars as I showered at night.

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