Friday, July 18, 2008

The Women of Kipsongo Slum

Challenge Farm has a program with the women living in the Kitale slum. The women that choose to participate make beaded necklaces, bracelets, and rings, then sell them to Challenege Farm and we send the goods home with visitors to sell in America. The money goes to help them buy food and take care of their children.

I was given the chance to visit these women in the slum when Cheri arrived. It is not advisable for people to go into the slum without someone that they are very familiar with. This is one reason that I have waited.

It’s difficult to give a description of our walk because it causes me to place myself back in the slum with all the smells, the animals alive and dead, the houses made of trash, and the poor kids that clung to us in groups of 10 each. So I will skip the details and move on to the women with whom we work.

These women are all ages and mostly from the Turkana Tribe. They love to sing and dance, so when Cheri shows up they light up like a Christmas tree and begin the dancing and singing. They usually like to take us on a tour through the slum before meeting in a room for a Bible study. There are many women who can’t move far from their home due to physical hindrances. Cheri visits them and prays over them for healing.

During my first visit to the slum we sang and danced with the women then prayed over each one individually. As I was hovering over these women praying to God for healing and restoration to their bodies, I felt the Holy Spirit come over me. Tears immediately began flowing down my cheeks. I was overwhelmed with compassion for these ladies. If I can ever figure out how to upload videos to my blog, you will be able to watch them dancing.

Even though it’s difficult to see the living conditions of these women, I really enjoy visiting with them!

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