Thursday, July 10, 2008


This past Sunday I ran into my all time favorite kid
from the streets. Many of you might remember a blog I
wrote about him back in December because I was wishing
that he’d be able to live at Challenge Farm. He was
taken by a different Children’s organization one week
before Challenge Farm took in the new kids. I was so
sad to hear the news but happy to know that he was off
the streets. I only just found out a week ago where
he lives and then he showed up at church.

Church had just ended and I felt a tap on my shoulder.
When I turned around, there was my adorable Nelson
just smiling away at me. I shot up out of my seat, ran
around the isle, and covered him in a huge bear hug.
He has grown so much! I spent the next 15 minutes
talking with him through the very large smile that I
couldn’t get off my face. I told him over and over
that I was so happy to see him.
It really is amazing to see just how much a nourished
child can grow in such a short period of time when
eating properly. He is in school and learning
English, which I could tell immediately. Oh,
how great it was to see this boy’s face. I only wish
I had a before and after picture to share with all of


Amanda said...

Chubby Nelson!?!?!?! I just sent you an email talking about him! I miss him more than ANYONE!!! I grin SO big just thinking about him! Take a picture of him for me next time you see him PLEASE! Is he out at the home kinda near Challenge Farm? I can't remember the white guy's name that runs it. I remember that they started taking kids in from the streets right before I left so I never got to say goodbye to him! I was so sad to not see him, but so glad he was in a home. I am so thrilled to hear that he is still there! I would take that kid home in a heartbeat! :)

Kate said...

I have a before picture!!!! I'll email it over! He is one of my very favorite kids!!! If you see him again, tell him Kate says hello! That is sooooo exciting!
