Sunday, May 4, 2008

My third new home and news about my return

I returned to Kenya Wednesday, April 30th. The day of my arrival was filled with yet another move to what will hopefully be my last. Somehow, with each move, I’ve downsized in space but increased in belongings. I am forced to get creative with where everything is stored and thus it took me two days to arrange my room.

One side of my room

The other side

Outside my room - mine is the far left door and Whitney's is to my right

Our sink, toilet, and shower are outside

This is the main house called Karibuni Lodge - our rooms are directly behind this house

The outdoor patio which is very relaxing

The beautiful front yard

The yard is so large I had to take two pictures

Some of the young kids herding animals come into our yard to graze. It
helps us with mowing.

My first day back to Challenge Farm was Friday, the last day of their school holiday so the kids were hanging out, helping in the shamba, digging holes for new trees, and catching up with me. When Whitney and I drove up, I was surprised to see how excited the kids were to see me. I was gone for 5 weeks, but it never ceases to amaze me when I see their excitement. It was harder to leave home this time, but it is all worth it when I see these kids. I was caught up thinking about how much I will miss seeing everyone near and dear to me in Dallas for a mere 7 months while many of these kids don’t even have one family member to ever see. My heart brakes when I try to imagine just how that would feel.

I was able to return with some great gifts and news for the kids. First, with the help of the Dallas Shelton School’s upper elementary and middle school, I could tell the kids that in one week they will be getting a brand new pair of leather shoes. With the money left over, we will buy as many pairs of cleats as we can for the boys' and girls' soccer teams. Secondly, I brought them new official soccer balls and other sports equipment. The children do not know about anything else I brought back but will soon find out as I plan to begin some art classes with the many materials that were given to me. Thanks to the many people that helped me put great big smiles on the faces of these precious children.

I’m excited to be back with my kids. In 5 weeks many of them had grown inches taller and the new kids are making grand improvements. I didn’t realize what a difference 5 weeks can make.

My friend Whitney (also from Dallas) arrived here in early March. It is such a blessing to have another American working with me at Challenge Farm.

Here we are cleansing our faces. Don't we look cute?

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