Tuesday, January 29, 2008

To live the life of a gypsy or nomad

I’m referring to myself now as a gypsy or nomad. Last Sunday I moved for the second time in the four months I’ve been here. At the end of March I will be moving yet again so I’m not getting too settled into my current residence.

All the moves are within the same neighborhood, which is all walking distance but then I guess everything is walking distance here in Kitale. The house I’ve moved into is the one I’ve posted pictures of before when celebrating the recent big holiday occasions. It’s different living with other people in the house but so much more fun than living alone. It’s like being in a co-op in college. We have a daily schedule for cooking and washing dishes so I’m having normal meals for dinner instead of brainstorming last minute for something to eat. We play games often and follow rules like no guys in the girl’s part of the house and vice versa. All food in the refrigerator is free game unless you put a name on it. It’s really nice to call this my temporary home for now. Even though I’ve just been there two days, it has been fun to have a change in my daily schedule. Having people at home when I arrive after a long day has been the best part.

My Dallas friend Whitney Dickens arrives at the end of February and she’s agreed to sharing a room with me while we stay at this house. That is going to take me back to the good ‘ol camp days when we used to laugh ourselves silly at night. I do hope I’ll catch up on extra rest before her arrival.