Thursday, January 31, 2008


With the beginning of this new school year the Light and Power Center (our school at Challenge Farm) will begin competing in games against other public and private schools. The catch is that we don’t exactly know when the games will begin therefore we have no idea how much time we have to practice before our first game. I’ve been put in charge of volleyball. This will be a challenge since I must have a Kenyan helping me in order to have an interpreter and sometimes there is a conflict. The kids are used to playing volleyball freely using whatever method they can think of to get the ball over the net. Today we worked on learning how to rotate. There will be a boys' and a girls' team so I get to teach two groups of middle school students how to play volleyball. Prayers over this area would be greatly appreciated. This will be a lot of work!

1 comment:

Lynn from AL said...

Hope Sammy is doing well. Will continue to pray for all of you, especially with thenew kids coming in. Tell everyone hello for me adn I'll see all of you in December. Love and God Bless, Lynn