Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tea Party - AKA - Prince and Princess Day

I’ve spoken much about the tea party we had last year for the girls when they dressed up in prom attire. This year some very generous stores in America donated many suits and tuxes for the boys of Challenge Farm. On Friday, November 28th, we had our first ever Prince and Princess Day. Last year the girls nicknamed the day Princess Day because they felt like a princess all dressed up, so we ran with the new title. I have to stop and find my breath as it gets swept away often here in Africa and this day was yet another breathtaking day.

On the morning of the 28th, I was helping the girls dress in their dorm. In days before, we visitors had organized the boys’ clothes in a large room of the office building and had directed the staff that would be helping them. I was preoccupied getting the girls ready and the dining hall set for juice and cookies when the boys came out of the main office building. Watching from across the compound through the dining window, I began to see the boys filing out of the building and just had to stop and stare. Even from that far away, I could tell by the way they were walking that they too were on top of the world feeling very special and handsome. The attire was anything from coattails, bowties, vests, jackets, ties, pinstriped pants, tuxedo white or black pants, beanie hats, camouflaged hats, and sunglasses.

I choked back tears, wishing Mama Cheri could have been with us for this moment. I know our Heavenly Father was smiling down upon his children this day. Whether they are in street clothes resembling rags or in the finest suits, I believe God sees His children in their very best so it was as though, on this day, I was seeing what He sees each day. I say this often, but I am truly blessed to be a part of the lives of these unbelievably special kids. At a moment like this, I don’t know what I’ve done to be given this chance to stand with them and share this day.

The boys lined up after group photos and began escorting the girls into the dining hall. As they are not used to seeing each other in these clothes, we had to battle the ever so cute girls running away from the boys at first. Since we have twice as many boys as we do girls, there was one boy on each side of the girl as they got their picture taken and walked in to be seated. Tea and cookies were followed with dancing. The whole experience was unforgettable for everyone. I am sharing a few of the many great pictures. Since I’ve posted many of the girls before, I chose to post more of the boys this time. I hope you enjoy the pictures and get a tiny glimpse into the 1st Annual Prince and Princess Day.


Anonymous said...

so I definitely bawled seeing the kids in their tuxes! Sure wish I could have seen them all!

RHB said...

What a special day! The kids look great! Wish I could have seen them too. I spent a couple of weeks in Kitale with Rick and Cheri in 1999 before there was a Challenge Farm. God bless you in your work with the children!