Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Season of Growth

A few days ago everyone at the farm got out and planted trees. It was a quite an emotional moment for me because I was trying to imagine the day when all the trees had matured and where all the kids would be at that time. My emotions can get carried away while looking into the eyes of these precious children whom God has specifically chosen to be here at Challenge Farm. So here we were planting what will someday become quite a forest. After taking many pictures of the kids and their trees, one of the staff members asked if I’d planted my tree yet. I was surprised and excited that I got to plant a tree of my own. Better yet, it was an acacia tree, which is my favorite. The Acacia has about 42 varieties and I have no idea which one mine is, but I didn’t really care either. I was just happy to have one.

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