Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The day of the picnic

This past Sunday, Ashley and I began the day with a morning walk. We passed people walking to church in addition to cows, goats, and lambs. At times during the day I forget that I am in Africa, but when I encounter 30 animals in my path, I quickly remember and chuckle to myself. Later in the afternoon, Paul (who runs the Brittany guest house where I’m staying) took Ashley, Karen and Opp (founders of Seeds Ministry) and me on a picnic about 40 minutes from Kitale. None of us had any idea it was going to be such a magnificent spot. The pictures don’t begin to do it justice. We carried with us camping chairs, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and other snacks. Luckily, I packed my jacket because it turned out to be quite cold. We laughed about how people in the States imagine Africa to be hot. In this part of Africa anyway, we can't ever seem to get warm. We were about 8,000ft up so the wind was a big factor that day. This country is far more beautiful than I ever imagined!

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