Monday, September 8, 2008

Tea Party - Princesse Day-

About one year ago a team from Alabama came to help with Royal Family Kids Camp at Challenge Farm. R.F.K.C. is a special camp designed for kids who have been abused, neglected, orphaned, etc. In preparation for the camp, the team collected many formal dresses that women or girls were no longer using. Their idea was to host a special tea party during the camp week where the girls would choose a dress to wear, apply make up, and have chai (tea with milk) together. Men who came on the team escorted the girls to the tea party. Not one of those girls will ever forget that day. I've posted a few pictures for you to see how beautiful the girls looked.

The boys, however, did not participate in this activity, but we found out that they really wanted to. So, this year, Ashley, the camp trained RFKC leader, has been given a huge donation of tuxes and suits for the gentleman to wear. All that we need are a few more dresses since we have brought in more girls off the street. If you have a used bridesmaid dress, no matter what year you wore it, or your daughter has a used batmitzvah, flower girl, or junior bridesmaid dress, you would be willing to donate, please email me -

As I mentioned in my previous blog, I will be flying back to Kenya November 16th. All I will be taking are items for the kids at Challenge Farm. I would appreciate your help in making these kids feel special!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Home again

For those of you who do not receive my snail mail updates, I am back home in Dallas. I can't say I'm gone for good since I hope to be traveling back to Kitale at least once a year. I'll be looking for a full-time job in Dallas soon, but now I'm doing whatever temporary jobs I can find because I'll be returning to Kenya November 15th for 3 weeks.

I've been home for about 2 and 1/2 weeks and it surely feels different - from concerns of wondering if I am driving on the correct side of the road to missing my precious 102 Kenya kids. Oh and the humid 90+ degree weather is a major adjustment compared to Kitale's perfect 70 degree day.

I am doing what I can from home to assist Cheri, the founder of Challenge Farm. She is trying to begin a child sponsorship progam. Since the addition of 60 new kids, the farm is in a great need of money. I will post the sponsorship program details on my blog as soon as I know more. The kids are all very excited about possibly having a sponsor soon who will correspond with them. You can find more information
soon on the Challenge Farm website.