Tuesday, July 31, 2007

a delay that allows me some breathing room

I was supposed to leave for Africa on Saturday, August 4th. This schedule only allowed me one week after summer school to shop, pack, organize, and say bye to friends and family. However, the departure date has been postponed - a true blessing as I now have time not only to shop, pack, and organize but I can relax and work on lessons for teaching ESL and read the last Harry Potter. This last month has been so wonderful. I have been able to see almost everyone near and dear to me, some of whom I haven't seen in a couple of years. My family, friends, and students have indiviually thrown me 4 different going away parties (one was a complete surprise), and Cliff Temple, the church where I grew up, had a commissioning service with a reception following. I could not have invisioned a more memorable time before leaving the country.

1 comment:

Justin and Gi said...

You do not know me, but I know Hunter and Robin Muse (that is how I got to your blog). I have been encouraged by your desire to go where the Lord calls you. God bless as you travel to Africa. May he use you more then your wildest dreams!
:) Gi Hime